Traveling around Denmark

A trip to a European country and especially in the case of Denmark may have many surprises in store for those in the culinary field. Apart from the classic rounds of museums, outings to the legendary Tivoli Park, and a magical boat ride on Copenhagen’s canals flunked by stunning buildings, I had the chance to be given a guided tour of an outstanding industrial building of the Arla Company.


Three hours away from the capital of Denmark, along with prominent colleagues, I experienced up close the way Danler cheese and Danablu cheese are produced.

Many are the foreign companies which have set up special open-to-the-public days so that consumers can find out how those companies’ products are made. It’s a brilliant idea and large Greek companies would not go wrong by emulating it.

The guided tour led by culinary professionals, our fascination as a group while admiring the facilities, and the delight we experienced during the scheduled product taste testings within the production area, all came to confirm that we had been right all along to visit Denmark in the first place.

I highly recommend you take such trips as you’ll get to know first hand what you consume and how products you consume daily are produced from beginning to end.
